Dentists get a bad rap for telling people what’s bad for them, especially when it comes to nutrition. We tell our patients to avoid acidic foods because they may contribute to the decay of tooth enamel. Or we warn against eating too much candy, as sugary sweets can lead to cavities. But it’s really not all doom and gloom. There are plenty of good choices you can make about what you eat. Some food can even help promote oral health.
If you love a good cheese board you’ll be happy to hear this one. Dairy products like milk and cheese can actually counter act the acid that can cause tooth enamel decay. So go ahead and dig into that baked brie, it’s not just your taste buds you’ll be pleasing.
Carrots and Celery
These crunchy veggies are great for your teeth! The chewing involved in eating these healthy snacks increases the flow of saliva, which helps cleanse your mouth, producing a fresh feeling over your gums and teeth.
Raw Onion and Garlic
While these foods might not be the best for date night, they may help scare away bacteria that can cause gum disease or even cavities. These intense flavour boosters contain powerful antibacterial properties that can contribute to good overall oral health. Just keep a good sugarless gum nearby for later.
Getting your eight glasses per day is an often-repeated health fact. But specifically, water can help your teeth and gums too. Swish it around in your mouth while you’re drinking to help promote saliva production and the removal of some bacteria in the oral cavity.
Keep in mind that good nutrition is only one part of overall dental care. Â Schedule regular dentist appointments to keep your teeth clean and to address any oral health concerns.