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The nasty truth about Bad Breath
Whether it was your 4th grade teacher Old Lady Crabtree or your buddy Darryl “The Garlic Crusher” cheering next to you at the game, we’ve
Teeth Friendly Foods
The foods you eat aren’t the exact cause of tooth decay. But what they do to your bacteria-fighting saliva is what either keeps your mouth
Taking care of baby teeth
If you’ve noticed more baby bumps around town these days, what you’re seeing may be the result of the Christmas blackout. So, in preparation for
A Brief History of Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening has become one of the more popular services offered by dentists. It’s fast, safe and effective. It’s taken a long time and a
Top 5 Movie and TV Dentists
“I thrill when I drill a bicuspid / It’s swell though they tell me I’m maladjusted.” – Orin Scrivello, DDS That’s Steve Martin
Choosing a Toothbrush
If you brush twice a day like you should be, your toothbrush will have a shelf life of about three months. That means you should
Scared of the dentist? You’re not alone
How do you feel the night before a visit to the dentist? How do you feel when you’re in your dentist’s waiting room? These are
Yonge Eglinton Dental in the community
This week, our own Dr. Randy Fisher and family sat down with 100 kindergarten students at Faywood Public School in Toronto to talk about caring
5 things a person’s teeth can instantly reveal about them
It’s impossible not to notice someone’s teeth when you meet them. Even if you’re polite and know to only look a person in the eye,
Everyone Should Be Flossing; Especially These People
Not everyone flosses as regularly as they could be. But those thinking of having a baby should definitely get into the habit. Now doctors are
Oral bacteria: The good, the bad and the cancer-causing kind
How do sunburns eventually disappear? How do a former smoker’s lungs get pink again? The process is called desquamation, which is the body’s process of
Holiday Party 2013
On Friday November 29th, 2013 Yonge Eglinton Dental celebrated the Holiday season in style at Vitae Social. We enjoy sharing time with our staff in