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The Best Mother’s Day Gift

You know what would make mom really happy this Mother’s Day? The gift of knowing her pride and joy is making life just a little bit easier for her on an everyday basis.

So if you’re looking for the best Mother’s Day gift ever, take one thing off her plate for good. And if you’re looking for a place to start, try your teeth.

Mother’s Day Gift: Eight promises that will improve your oral health

  1. You can promise to drink lots of water. It’s not just the choice of water over juice and pop that will help keep your mouth clean, but the act of wetting your mouth on a regular basis flushes out bacteria. Every time you drink a glass of water, you help your teeth and gums out a little bit.
  2. You can promise to keep a packet of floss in your school bag. And you can promise to use it after lunch to keep bacteria from forming over the afternoon. If you can show mom that you know how to floss effectively, even better.
  3. You can promise to use a bit of mouthwash every night. A little rinse goes a long way to getting anywhere your toothpaste didn’t. And any bits of food left will be neutralized and flushed away.
  4. You can promise to snack healthily most of the time. That “most of the time” is important because it’s not realistic to think you’ll never have a cookie or a piece of chocolate (of course you will). But if the majority of what you snack on are fruits and veggies, your teeth and gums will be so much healthier for it. We recommend finding fruits and vegetables you like and asking mom to have them cut up and ready to eat. She’ll be more than happy to oblige.
  5. If you’re going to drink pop, you can promise to drink it through a straw. This way, the sugary syrup will have less direct contact with your teeth.
  6. If you’re going to chew gum you can promise to chew sugarless gum. The Xylitol in it (sugar substitute) kills oral bacteria, pulls food particles off teeth and promotes saliva flow.
  7. You can promise to brush and floss twice a day, every day.
  8. And finally, you can promise not to make a stink about going to the dentist.

Happy Mother’s Day from all of us at Yonge Eglinton Dental!

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